In-House League FAQ's
Some FAQs:
- Opening Day for Tball thru Mitey Mite 8 is May 14th 2022 and the season goes until end of July
- Opening Day for Minor 9-Colt is May 07, 2022 and the season goes until end of July
- We will be having Draft Day/Equipment Pickup April 2, 2022. Once we have the teams picked ( 8U and above ) we will have the coaches contact their players with practice days and times. We will be giving out the playing schedule around a week before games start on May 7th and younger kids May 14th.
- Leagues are as follows: May 1st is the age cut off:
- Tball (ages 4-5)
- Midget 6
- Midget 7
- Mitey-Mite 8
- Minor 9-10
- Major 11-12
- Pony 13-14
- Colt 15-17
- Senior 18+
- Fees are as follows:
- T-Ball $100
- M6-Major $120
- Pony $135
- Colt $145
- Senior $150
*** Disclaimer***
- Only T-Ball, Midget 6 and Midget 7 will be considered for friend requests on the same team. All other age groups are picked through a draft.
- Kids that have border line birthdays cannot play down a level. Please do not sign your child up to play a level lower then they are supposed to. These kids will be automatically moved to the correct age level.
- If your child plays in a travel league or another city league they are not permitted to play in Mentor Rec League. We only allow one league per summer. If it is found out that you are trying to play our league and an additional (Rec/Travel) league your child will be removed from this league and your money will be fore fitted per our guidelines.
For any questions regarding the Rec League, please contact
Vice President